21 December 2007

F l e e

As Fran at the White House (my favorite B&B in Bethel) was talking, he inspired me with the title...

This is the time of year when many teachers on this Lower Kuskokwim delta wish to bolt at the sound of the last bell... if we had bells in our schools. I must admit that I've jumped on that bandwagon & been yelling "giddy-up" the whole way out. No, it wasn't that bad .... This week at school was hell, but by today we were chill in the classroom, so that was a good ending. There were some delays leaving, but I made it past my first, of maybe 5 legs to get back to NC for C-mas. Tomorrow I'm going to Anchorage for a couple of days. Then, I head out for NC at the chipper hour of 6am on the 24th. Shockingly, I will make it to NC the same day, by 10pm (*knocking on wood*), stay the night at my aunt & uncle's & ride with them to my G'ma's on the main day. On the 26th My mom, sis' & I are moving on out towards Austin, TX to visit another aunty. Upon my return to NC, I'll be making my rounds in Asheville with Tammy et al. riding the waves into the new year of 2008. Then, back to the hometown to hang with the select homeslices & my bro. Did I mention I get 3 weeks for a winter break? I'm so lucky!

01 December 2007


I spent my Thanksgiving break in Bethel & Kong (short for Kongiganak... Is that spelled right? It's much harder to say than spell.) Maria, my roommate, used to live there for 6 years. So, I decided to tag along when she said she was visiting. Maria took the group photo without her in it. She took some good photos, but I don't have them on my computer.

This is most of my class this year. I now have 16! They're a quick, fun group.