28 September 2008


I just discovered a nice feature on Blogger. Go to Dashboard & then under Reading List is Blogs I'm Following. Once you add the blogs, you can see the most recent entries & everyone is just there in a nice little collective. It's kinda nice. :-)

Everyone should follow; maybe you will be followed by a follower you follow.


Jody said...

hey, yeah. 5 months and then I'm out.
if you were looking for tickets you would fly into Incheon. i am fairly sure it's the only airport in the north half that takes international flights.

if they are cost effective you should totally visit!
I have a couch to sleep on and everything!

Psyrkus said...

I just discovered the same thing. Pretty nifty isn't it. Although... I do ot have any blogs that are being followed... maybe now I'll have...

Carey said...

Psyrkus, a friend & I tried to crack the code in the puzzle room, but it says the buttons are under construction. You should fix them, so we can hack in. :-)

Psyrkus said...

Just send me your codes in the meanwhile and if they're correct, I'll send you the links to the corresponding to the codes.

Psyrkus said...

I'll try fix the buttons today, they used to work but then decided not to. That site has a will and mind of its own...