It just happened. Things keep coming up and I keep scratching the pencil across my calendar. Here's what's gone down and what I'm in for, at this point, for the month of February.
Week 1: ---
1-4, M-TR --- Taught. You read about the
smothered larynx. ^_^ The whisper continued another day. I went to the clinic to discover that I was in the early stages of Strep. Good thing I was already taking the next day off! I had a Thursday evening flight to Bethel w/ dog (1st flight). Baker enjoyed trying insatiably to sew his wild oats w/ my friends' dog Loki. I let him get it out considering ...
5, Fri. --- Baker's ball lopping (aka neutering) and regular vet. tormenting ensued. All went well really. He was quite doped up on Morphine and ACE (sedative). I also did errands around Bethel and visited w/ some friends that night.
6, Sat. --- Reading Committee impromptu meeting to review textbooks (2 more down).
-----I tried to go out on the evening flight, but it was canceled due to weather. My principal and I called our local river taxi person, Steven, to come get us. It took him two hours to get there, so we ended up leaving at about 7:00 and getting home at 9:00. Besides slipping often, it was a good ride. He's a good driver. If we stayed in Bethel, we wouldn't have been able to leave until 12:30 today.
7, Sun. --- One of the artists contracted w/ our district for workshops is going to stay the night w/ me. Today, I'll be making regular teaching plans, sub plans for a week, and doing domestic things before packing for the sabbatical.
{Side note: I caught Baker napping in his "house" (kennel) today. Only yesterday, he had outstretched paws at my insistence that he go into his house at Yute Air, after pissing on a trash can. Once his head and front legs are in he complies, but this napping sign is encouraging that he is getting used to it.}
Week 2:---
8, M --- The same artist, as well as one other person from LKSD will be staying the night at my house. There is a family night workshop w/ them I'll be attending too.
9, T --- Regular teaching day. Fly out on the evening flight w/ dog. We're going to be in Bethel for a week, unless I decide to come home for Sat. night.
10-11, W-TR --- AIMSWEB training. This is going to be the new mode of online summative testing for reading in our school district, starting next fall.
12-13, F-Sat. --- Reading Committee meeting. - Talk about AIMSweb training and reviewing more textbooks and materials. Planning our final meeting and an additional follow-up ones in the summer.
14, Sun. --- free (I take that back. I'll be planning for the upcoming week.) .... Also the first day of Lunar New Year. It's the year of the Tiger.
Week 3:---
15-16, M-T --- CHAMPS training. This is a "positive behavior management" methodology that LKSD is adopting. I'll be taking the evening flight back to Nunap. Tuesday. The 16th is also Elizabeth Peratrovich day. I'm sad to miss the actual day w/ kids at school, but I'm putting something in the sub plans and we'll talk about her when I get back during our Civil Rights class.
17-20, W-Sat. --- Teaching. I'm just going to start the Lunar New Year celebrations on Wed. The evening of the 17th we have a book club meeting planned too, for
The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I have an audio/Internet class on the 18th and prep. before our meeting too. I forgot about that. Yes, we have Sat. school to make up for one of those no sewage days. It's supposed to be a "cultural day" which usually equates to a craft day. We have had some good things to do w/ the kids that seem relevant though. For the young grades this means switching crafts every 30-45 minutes.
21, Sun. --- Planning for the next week of school.
Week 4:---
22, M --- Site In-service day at school... Co-leading CHAMPS at site training. (I just found out this was going to happen after our training in Bethel.)
23-26 T-F --- Regular teaching. We'll be celebrating Lunar New Year still, as it shouldn't end until March 1. The Civil Rights unit will still be in force.
-----Friday, I'll be flying out on the evening flight w/ dog to Bethel. More likely, I might wait until the a.m. to fly out; I'm just going to see how I feel. I also might try to drive to Bethel on the snow-go w/ Baker in my coat. ... New plans: The pooch is staying & I'm driving down.
27, Sat. --- Sara's bachelorette party beginning at 5:00. But, some friends and I will be cooking & prepping much of the day.
28, Sun. --- Noon flight back to Nunap. to plan the next week's lessons.
I'll start March off with a bang. ~ 3/1, M = SRA (reading intervention program) training in Bethel.