Today I woke up with the ambition to cook. Sunday seems to be the day when this most often happens to me. I just wanted to make the
mac & cheese from scratch &
zucchini bread b/c I needed to use the cheese & zucchinis. I ended up making those & I pickled some cucumbers & carrots; fried a couple of zucchini w/ butter, salt, & pepper; broiled BBQ chicken; made
2 salmonberry/raspberry sour cream pies; chopped cabbage for the asian salad &
soup to make later ... I also set out some salmon burger to thaw, but I need onion and more eggs before I can make that.
The only explanation is that it's almost mid-April & I have a lot of food in my freezer. I don't want to leave a ton of it over the summer like I have in the past. Besides that, cooking can be fun. The good news is that I'll be sharing &
not eating all of it on my own. ^_^
{The recipe links are here, but I always modify w/ my own ingredients. Heed my changes:
* mac & cheese - used multi-shells instead of elbow pasta, powdered milk, asagio cheese, & no eggs w/ flour as a substitute
* zucchini bread - added butterscotch chips, cinnamon, powdered ginger, 1/2 c. more zucchini than called for, & a little wheat germ
* salmonberry/raspberry pies - added lavender flowers, rose hips, lime juice, & mint leaves, plus cinnamon to the topping}
Pie, pre-topping:

Here's the scope of food prepared today.

You can't really see, but it's starting to snow (big wet snowflakes). That's Maria, my dinner guest, going to cover her snow-go.